Spring - Kapha Season - How To Stay Balanced

Posted by Lala Naidu on

In the Northern hemisphere, the spring season is usually wet and muddy with warmer days. The warmth is said to liquify kapha in the body, which is why many people get spring colds. Also, as flowers shed their pollen and fragrance, many kapha doshic people experience hay fever and allergies. To counter the heaviness and congestion that spring can bring, all body types should eat more light, dry and lower fat foods such as sprouts and greens. To clear the system of accumulated kapha dosha, Panchakarma or cleansing is highly recommended.

Signs of excess Kapha in body-mind 1

  • Cold & Flu
  • Cough and Congestion
  • Fatigue, Weight gain and Depression
  • Allergies

So, to avoid carrying the heaviness of Winter with us into Spring and Summer a digestive-reset is recommended during this time. Panchakarma is Ayurveda’s traditional way of cleansing the body-mind and is prescribed by a doctor and usually done at a center that can accommodate for the various daily treatments. This may not be available to you, and you can still do a lot from home like several days of a mono-diet of kitchari including digestive herbs like CCF tea and/or ginger black pepper and cinnamon tea after meals2, and liver cleansing herbs like turmeric and dandelion and sipping on hot water throughout the day along with the following practices.

Daily routine for Spring

  • Self Massage with Lymphatic Massage oil or sesame oil
  • Vigorous pranayam like Kapalbhati or Bhastrika 30 sec followed by 1 min of silence
  • Exercise in the morning to increase circulation, mood and immunity
  • Perform neti and nasya to clean and clear nasal passages. It’s important to follow up neti with nasya to keep the delicate mucous membranes lubricated.

In general for Spring include more foods in your diet that are Pungent (Spicy), Bitter and Astringent; foods that are Light, Dry and Warm. Moving away from Winter’s heavier and richer foods and flavors of Sweet, Sour and Salt.

Spring foods include alfalfa sprouts, asparagus, celery, bell peppers, bitter melon, lettuce, mustard greens, spring onions, peas, cilantro, parsley, radishes, spinach, Swiss chard, watercress, goat’s milk, dried fruits, flax, hemp and coconut oil, raw honey, all sprouted beans, lean meat and fish, hazelnuts, pine nuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, amaranth, barley, buckwheat, corn, millet, oats, quiona, brown rice and rye, cardamom, chicory, dandelion, ginger, hibiscus, orange peel, black tea and coffee in moderation.

1. https://lifespa.com/kapha-diet/
2. Dr. Lad, The Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies, Harmony Books, 1998

Ayurveda Kapha pacifying Self-care

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