The Taste of Summer

Posted by Lala Naidu on

Being in Denmark in late summer, bushes are full of plumb berries, and as you travel the country roads, there are places to pick the tastiest strawberries.

In the Northern part of Sealand*, my uncle has the loveliest summer house. He is a knowledgeable gardener and skilled builder. A tour of the garden and update on the plants is a must when I visit, and he is more than willing to share. My uncle’s garden has a variety: Cherry trees, Plums, Apples, Acerola, Goji berries, Strawberries, Raspberries, Blackberries, Gooseberries and Currants.

At their peak, the berries taste like summer, loaded with vitamins and antioxidants – they are a real treat! My auntie is an incredible cook and makes everything from chutneys, jams, juices, gelés etc. This time, my mom and I picked a large container of currants, we ate some fresh and then froze the rest. Berries keep well this way, and can easily be defrosted or used in smoothies and desserts. Fruits and vegetables are easier to handle if frozen in smaller portions.

* one of Denmark’s largest islands, and where Copenhagen is located

Fruits Nutrition

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