Fantastic Ginger!

Posted by Lala Naidu on

Ginger is one of my all-time favorites! And I am not alone – Ginger is probably the world’s most important and popular spice. In both fresh and dried form, it has so many great uses…

  • Ginger compliments both sweet and savory food –
    Ginger powder works well in baking and fresh is best in savory dishes, try Spring Kitchari Recipe
  • To increase digestive fire ‘Agni’ – soak fresh sliced ginger in lemon juice and a pinch salt. Store in fridge and eat a few slices before meals.
  • Support healthy digestion too in this great-tasting condiment Ginger Chutney Recipe
  • If suffering from migraines, try this next time, at the on-set – Stir 1 tablespoon ginger powder into water, drink down, a recommended remedy by Master Herbalist K.P. Khalsa
  • To soothe a sore throat – a decoction of fresh ginger, with lemon and honey works wonders!

Fresh ginger is widely available. To prepare, simply peel by scraping with a spoon and thinly slice or grate according to use.

Anti-inflammatory Ginger

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