Healthy Habits around Food

Posted by Lala Naidu on

Boy! What a cleansing journey I’ve been on.

Three weeks ago, to welcome Spring, I started a liver cleanse which ended this morning, or should I say began – I feel alive, refreshed with renewed energy – Ahh…What Clarity!

Bringing Awareness to our food habits – taking a break from or eliminating processed foods can be a powerful eye-opener to our cravings and addictions.

The exercise for me this time, was to eat only meals prepared at home, also no half & half with my black tea or the occasional cheese. I am a big tea drinker, and for a few days, I did miss the comforting morning ritual of a flavorful and creamy chai, 

but cravings fade…

Home cooked meals, or meals are usually fresher, with less additives and salt, and better quality oils, and if prepared by yourself our loved ones, the food is transfused with loving energy too - very important components in health and healing.

In preparing and sharing foods we cultivate inner qualities of: Creativity, generosity, kindness – Our natural loving nature.

A few helpful guideline for healing eating:

  • Support your local growers, Eat: Fresh, Local & Organic
  • Eat seasonal foods to live in harmony with nature and build immunity
  • Heal your relationship with food, by growing your own
  • Eat a cleaner and simpler diet, limiting the amount of processed foods, helping your senses listen to your bodies needs and not follow chemical food cravings.

Don’t give your power away! Cultivate deep listening – all the answers are within.
    Healthy habits Mindfulness Nutrition

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