The word chakra means disk, vortex, or wheel. Whereas meridians are an energy transportation system, the chakras are energy stations. Each major chakra in the human body is a center of swirling energy positioned at one of the seven points, from the base of the spine to the top of the head. Memory is energetically coded in your chakras. An imprint of every important or emotionally significant event is believed to be recorded in your chakra energy, creating specific behavioral characteristics. If you know your chakras, you know your history, the obstacles to your growth, your vulnerabilities to illness, and your soul’s longing.
There’s strong anecdotal evidence that imbalances in the chakra’s energies precede and thus predict the onset of disease. Clearing and balancing impaired energies in a chakra can head off brewing illnesses and help heal physical symptoms that have emerged. The psychological aspects of the chakras also play in to their physiological function, and chakras influence the health of the organs in their proximity.
Because the chakras encode experience, they often reveal how a person’s history plays into current symptoms. By clearing chakras that are still locked into the energies and conflicts of the past, you can open the way for deep healing of chronic or underlying health problems.
7 Chakras:
Root/Muladhara (earth element), creating the ability to remain grounded, steady, strong and present in the world. Awareness of the ordinary world is steady and emotions are stable. Lam/Lum
Womb/Svadhishthana (water element), responsible for desire, attachment and deep feelings like love and devotion. Artistic and creative abilities; childlike rather than logic; makes one attractive to the opposite sex. Vam/Vum.
Solar plexus/Manipura (fire element) responsible for the power to focus on and accomplish our dreams and goals (ordinary goals of the ego) including accumulation of wealth, power, fame. Logical, responsibility-bound. Ram/Rum
Heart/Anahata (air element) calm mind, steady, focused – open to new possibilities – still related to ego and worldly matters. Inner beauty and personal magnetism. A person whose heart chakra is dominant is guided more by “heart” than “head”, feeling than thought, love than logic; poetry and writing.Yam/Yum
Throat/Vishuddha (ether element), when balanced allow full and balanced expression, your unique expression in the world, generates strength, absorption in deep meditation, revelation of knowledge beyond written word, the power to explain and clarify. Ham/Hum
Pituritary/Ajna (3rd eye) – a person’s mind projects the world. Perception. Access to physic planes. Seeing the Divine in everything. Ksham/Kshum
Pineal/Sahasra (crown) – Oneness with the cosmos, connection with the realm of spirit. Grounding comes from the bottom 3 chakras. “Om and bliss” w/o meat and potatoes
When the coiled spiritual energy (Kundalini) is aroused by the practices of Yoga, the dormant Kundalini leaves its abode in the Muladhara Chakra and moves upward into the Brahma Nadi within the Sushumna Nadi. The pranic force is withdrawn from all the other Nadis and concentrated in the Sushumna, which causes the suspension of breath. At that time, the normal function of the chakras as psychic centers ceases and they begin to function as centers of transformation of psychophysical energy into spiritual energy. When the roused Kundalini passes through the different chakras various spiritual experiences occur. The normal function of the chakras is restored with everything as it was when Kundalini comes back down to Muladhara and coils up again.
Johari, Harish, Chakras, Energy Centers of Transformation, Rochester, Vermont, Destiny Books, 2000
Brennan, Barbara Ann, Hands of Light – A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field, New York, NY, Bantam Books, 1988