Being there for one each other

Posted by Lala Naidu on

Yay! I have finished my classes at Makawao Massage School. For the past 3 months, classes, quizzes and clinic has taken up a lot of room. Today, with things have wrapped up, the day felt more spacious and I was full of energy. I got to cook, clean, and connect with family. All very restorative and nourishing.

It is wet and muddy in the jungle of Maui - a perfect day for soup. Inspired by friend David, who invited me over for soup and homemade sourdough last night, I made a flavorful soup too.

My method of making soup is to use whatever I have in the fridge; it is easy, it cleans out the fridge and always brings a new twist in flavors. Today, I had carrots, cabbage, and the community fridge provided me with green beans, and in the pantry there were azduki beans.

From Lily’s property in Kihei, I had gathered rosemary and oregano. I like to use a healthy amount of herbs, particularly fresh, but also dried traditional Indian herbs and spices to support digestion. In cooking beans, hing and cumin are essential as the aid digestion and assimilation, (both can be found in health food stores).

My point in writing today though is to share what joy it has been to be able to serve and give all day in a more intentionally way than usual. Ginger tea for Len this morning whom was feeling congested, Sindhu also got a cup; soup for one of our guests who had a knee injury, lunch for Shiva and I, and two beautiful jars of kitchari went to my new friend Jordan and Rick Smith, whom I will both be massaging this evening. Both of them are challenged with shoulder pain. Therefore, the kitchari I prepared contains a special mantra (prayer) to support healing.


It's nice to be in the flow with life and share abundantly.

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