Juicy Winters

Posted by Lala Naidu on

In Maui during the winter months Citrus and Avocados are in abundance. Neighborhood trees are heavy with fruit with endless varieties of tangelos, pomelo, oranges, grapefruit, lemon, lime and many in between; some sweet others tart, sour, juicy, dry, with or without seeds.

Last year, I worked with Linda at her citrus orchard, and I got spoiled with being gifted with bags of juicy fruits, too I had found a mandarin tree on my way to class with the tastiest sweet fruit. This year I have to make more of an effort in bringing about citrus.

I do juice the tangelos, one variety at Hale Akua is so juicy that you can simply poke a hole in the skin and suck out the juice – A Fun Experience!

In one sitting, drinking a full glass of Orange Juice is too much sugar for me, but I will drink ½ cup or dilute it with water. Also, –

HOMEMADE LEMON-AID is Easy and Healthy:

Dilute 1/2 C Lemon and/or Lime Juice with 2.5 C High Quality Water or Pellegrino
Add Sweetener to Taste, ex. 2 T Maple Syrup or 6 drops of Liquid Stevia.

Citrus and Lilikoi (Hawaii Passion fruit) is a nice combo with added Mint Leaves.

Also, partially replacing Citrus Juice with other liquids in baking recipes can work well. Enjoy Exploring!

Fruits Nutrition

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